Triple your tap life and more with Emuge Softsynchro® Tap Holders
An Original Emuge Design Dramatically Reduces Force, Increasing Tool Life, Thread Quality.
The Emuge Softsynchro® holder design makes optimum use of a synchronous spindle.
This provides the best possible tool life, performance and thread surface quality. Constructed from two separate, precision-ground sections, the body and shank, Softsynchro effectively separates the spindle from the tap via patented elastomer springs that absorb axial forces, giving the tap an immense boost in tool life and performance. The beauty of Softsynchro modularity is you only need to purchase one tap holder vs. buying a different holder for each of your applications. Instead, less-costly adapters can be purchased when your applications change, saving you money while still providing coolant-through capability!
The Transmission of Torque and Axial Force, Separated.
Torque from the spindle is transferred seamlessly to the tap via ball bearings riding in precision ground grooves. These ball grooves minimize rolling friction on the torque transmission balls to guarantee precision micro-correction of lead errors in a rigid tapping cycle, even under the most demanding machining conditions. Effectively, the tap is riding on shocks to prevent excessive wear due to small pitch variances during the cutting process, while ball bearings allow for smooth rolling motion and complete transfer of torque from the spindle to the tap.