Metalworking Fluids
Our range of Metalworking fluids are constantly evolving to satisfy the ever increasing demands placed on the manufacturing industry, including; in use performance, product life, operator safety & disposal considerations.
Careful selection of the most suitable metalworking fluid for your application can provide significant cost savings in terms of product usage, tool life, reduced cost per component, reduced cycle times & lower disposal costs. Our PROCARE Fluid Management Service is designed to complement our range of metalworking fluids & assist our customers in this area.
The metalworking fluid range includes:
- Water extendable fluids including high oil content fine milky emulsions, semi synthetic micro emulsions and full synthetic solutions developed to suit a wide range of materials, processes & make up water qualities.
- Neat oils comprising of mineral & synthetic formulations for the most demanding machining & grinding techniques, including 24 hour "lights out" operations where exceptional anti-oxidant performance is essential
- Hand applied cutting fluids to improve tool life in arduous tapping, reaming & drilling applications
- Spark errosion fluids suitable for fine & rough work in electrical discharge machines.
Pencool Ultra S430
Pencool Ultra S430 is a high performance multipurpose semi synthetic water soluble metalworking fluid designed to offer excellent performance in moderate duty machining and grinding applications. The product forms an extremely robust micro emulsion in both soft and hard make up water qualities providing a long and trouble free service life and offers excellent low foaming qualities along with outstanding detergency characteristics helping to keep machine tools clean.
Pencool Ultra S206
Pencool Ultra S206 is a high performance, heavy duty semi synthetic water mix metalworking fluid primarily suited to arduous machining and grinding operations where the complex synthetic and natural ester lubricity package along with improved wetting and detergency properties produce a fluid designed to promote outstanding surface finish, improved tool life and exceptional machine cleanliness. The product incorporates a novel emulsification system producing an ultra-low foaming and long life micro emulsion.
Pencool Ultra S325
Pencool Ultra S325 is a high performance, low oil content semi synthetic water mix metalworking fluid primarily suited to medium to heavy duty machining and grinding operations where the complex polymeric ester lubricity package along with improved wetting and detergency properties produce a fluid designed to promote outstanding surface finish, improved tool life and exceptional machine cleanliness. The product forms an extremely robust biostable micro emulsion in moderate to hard make up water qualities offering extended service life compared to many conventional coolants.
Ultrasol X-777
Ultrasol X-777 offers high performance machining characteristics on a wide variety of tough ferrous and non-ferrous materials including titanium, aluminium (inc. 2000 & 7000 series) nickel alloys and copper alloys.
Typical applications include heavy duty turning, milling, drilling, grinding, reaming and deep hole drilling where increased tool life and outstanding surface finish are desirable.
Metacut Ultra MD 12
Pennine Metacut Ultra MD12 is a low viscosity, pale coloured, low odour, high performance multipurpose neat cutting oil specifically designed for use in modern high speed sliding head CNC lathes and multi-spindle machines including those employing high pressure coolant delivery systems. Manufactured from highly refined virgin mineral oil, the product incorporates non-staining chlorine free extreme pressure additives, lubricity agents, anti-oxidant and anti-mist additives making the product suitable for the rigorous demands of modern machining techniques.
Metacut Ultra MD 22
Pennine Metacut Ultra MD22 is a pale coloured, low odour, high performance multipurpose neat cutting oil specifically designed for use in modern high speed sliding head CNC lathes and multi-spindle machines. Manufactured from highly refined virgin mineral oil, the product incorporates non-staining chlorine free extreme pressure additives, lubricity agents, anti-oxidant and anti-mist additives making the product suitable for the rigorous demands of modern machining techniques.
Biotect Biocide Additive
Biotect is a secondary treatment broad spectrum biocide / fungicide fluid for use in self-contained or centralised water based coolant systems and machine tools using soluble cutting oils. Used to control bacterial and fungal infections and to prolong the life of water based metalworking fluids. It helps to reduce objectionable odours emitted by metalworking fluids suffering from bacterial contamination whilst not affecting the stability and performance of the fluid. It can be used whilst the machine is in operation and thus there is no loss of production time. The product may be used at a low level to control bacteria on a regular basis in systems which are known to suffer problems, it may also be used at a higher dose to sterilise a system. Erratic use of uncontrolled quantities of Biotect is not recommended.
Bioflush System Cleaner
Bioflush System Cleaner is a biocidal/fungicidal cleaner and disinfectant fluid for use in self-contained or centralised water based coolant systems and machine tools using soluble cutting oils.
Used to remove oil slime and bacterial sludge deposits inhibiting the effects of bacterial and fungal growth, including the elimination of objectionable odours.
It can be used whilst the machine is in operation and thus there is no loss of production time.